Monday, May 6, 2013

Another bite at the apple.........

When I was a teenager I always envisioned older people 50 and above to be characterized by crankiness, frailty, smelling funny, wrinkles, slow walking blah, blah, blah. Aside from all those negative characteristics I felt their work lives were coming to an end and just waiting in seclusion or retirement for death to end it all. Silly, huh? Now that I'm 76 I have a very different vision of what it's like to be over 50, way over 50!! Today we can have another bite at the apple and that's what this blog is about.

If you want another bite of the apple my experience is stay healthy and vital, then age has no boundary for any
accomplishment within your own abilities. And what is the best way to stay healthy and vital as we age, exercise and a nutritious diet. Both exercise and healthy eating habits are within our control so it's up to you to do something about it.

Another bite at the apple isn't only about starting a new career or job but something you've always had a passion for but were too busy doing all the things we do in the early part of our working lives like raising a family and job obligations, etc.

Now I get up every morning saying that I can take another bite at the apple, and so can you!

Keep it Simple, Consistent and Fun.

Watch for my website, coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post. I noticed your comment on the NYT running vs. walking piece today. I came over here just to say I'm impressed by your dedication to a healthy life and find you inspiring. I'm pushing 50 and hope to be just like you at the ripe young age of 76!
