Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I treat myself like I would a 1936 ford!!

Carefully maintaining your health after you turn 50 is a must. No more, I'll take care of it next week, or you'll pay the price. You have to get into the habit of health just like getting into the habit of brushing your teeth, it's done everyday. Exercise is the single most ingredient of the habit of health.

The major health problems in the U.S. are chronic, long term illnesses in middle age or later. Cancer, heart disease, emphysema and liver cirrhosis cause nearly 85% of all deaths. About two thirds of these diseases can be prevented with a consistent routine of exercise, eating less and more healthy.

It's really as simple as that for most of us. You wouldn't let your 1936 Ford go without proper maintenance, now would you? I was born in 1936 year, so I know!

You need a plan for your good health which I look forward to sharing with you just how that can be accomplished when my website is finished in January 2012.

Keep it Simple, Consistent and Fun.

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