Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Learning Curve

I've been working on a fitness program for adults over 50 for the last two years called, "A prime life." It's been a huge learning curve for me not only because this has never been my line of work but because my computer skills and internet savvy is somewhat limited. But I'm learning!!

The main focus will be on motivation, to get people to "just go out the door." The exercises and healthy eating tips will be ones you may have heard for years only now you'll be reminded on a daily basis.

Each day you will receive an e-mail with an attached 3 minute video reminding you to "just go out the door." In that video we'll take you through a series of simple exercises and discuss healthy tips on eating. These exercises and healthy eating tips will be demonstrated by us, your contemporaries. You'll see exercises and heathy eating tips designed to accommodate your age group. Remember this video is to motivate you to, "just do them."

An announcement will be made when this program is available, hopefully within in the next month. So if you feel that it's hard to get motivated to exercise and eat healthier please take a look at our website.

Keep it Simple, Consistent and Fun.

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